Two young people laughing outdoors.

About Us

Our Team

We understand the issues facing many disabled people. We are committed to building a safe, enjoyable community that contributes to feelings of wellbeing, belonging and joy. We also love what we do and the members we work with day-to-day.

4 people wearing Caxton Youth uniforms laughing outdoors.

Vision, Mission & Values

Our vision, mission, and values guide our work,  ensure accountability and bring our supporters and members into the ‘why’ of what we do.

Pink binoculars icon.

Our vision

We are a specialist youth club creating community, breaking barriers and empowering learning disabled and autistic young people.

Blue rocket icon.

Our mission

Our mission is to shape a more inclusive society free from disabling barriers where all young people are able to lead happy, healthy lives.

Green hand and heart icon.

Our values

We have four core values that underpin everything that Caxton does: connection, self-expression, aspiration and community.

Our History

Caxton opened its doors in Pimlico, London in 1948. The club was a place for local disadvantaged young people to forge community ties. In the 1980s, we became a specialist service working with disabled young people who live in Westminster.

Roy Hinton, a postman and civil servant who worked at Caxton, and Janet, a local resident, led this shift to the specialist service that  we have today. Roy was later given an OBE for his services to Young People with Special Needs.

A vintage photograph of people dancing in a room.

We have been in the same purposely-created location at Tintern House on Abbots manor Estate since 1956. In 1957 we employed its first full-time youth worker and officially became ‘Caxton Youth Club’ from ‘The Caxton Trust’.

In 1962 we acquired the lease of Midge Island, an island on the River Wey near Ripley in Surrey. We have used this as an outdoor base for activities ever since. Unfortunately the lodge needs to be replaced, so we are currently exploring options to rebuild. In the meantime, we are going to other outdoor centres for residential trips.

Our Policies

Our policies ensure we comply with guidance to keep people safe from harm, obey the law and manage our money effectively. This includes our equality, diversity and inclusion policies, and commitments to those receiving our services.

View our policies

Safeguarding is a key element of what we do. We have a designated safeguarding lead and deputy safeguarding leads, and all team members have had appropriate safeguarding training.

Living Wage Employer

We are an accredited Living Wage Employer. This means that every member of staff working for Caxton Youth earns a real Living Wage.





Living Wage Employer logo

Our Impact

For the past 75 years we have opened our doors to tens of thousands of people. During term time we deliver youth club sessions 3 nights a week, as well as organising day trips and overnight residential trips to exciting outdoor centres.

A person wearing an orange helmet and a harness.

We are here for you

If you are curious about Caxton or have a question you need answered, please feel free to get in touch with us. We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Youth worker and 2 young people inflating a football next to a fence.