Do you offer personal care or medication e.g. support with going to the bathroom? 
No, we do not offer this kind of support. You can bring your own 1:1 to session to support with personal care. We do not administer medication.

Do you accept young people aged under 11?
No, but we can make some exceptions. If your young person is 10, turning 11 soon we may be able to consider them.

Do you accept people from outside of Westminster?
We cannot accept referrals from outside of Westminster.

Do you offer day-time activities?
Not during term time, but we do offer holiday activities. Other services such as PIP (Pursuing Independent Paths) do offer day activities.

Can a young person just join for trips?
No, young people need to become a member and regularly attend sessions before joining our community trips.

What happens when my young person turns over 25?
Young people can stay for their 25th year, and graduate at our winter party in December. Young people aged 26 or over cannot join as members.

What other support is available in Westminster for learning disabled and autistic young people? 
You may be interested in PIP – Pursuing Independent Pathways.

How many young people are in each session?
We work with around 20 young people in each weekday session. Day trips are usually around 12 young people.

A brick wall with a red and purple door and a colourful mosaic. A group of 3 young men holding up their fingers. One is holding a microphone to his face. A young person on a swing.