Our services

Disabling barriers affect young people’s access to employment, independence and wellbeing, and limit opportunities to reach their aspirations. Our services are here to remove those barriers. We do that through our seven core programmes tailored to our members specific needs.

3 people standing outside of Caxton youth club. 2 of them are smiling and one is blowing bubbles in the background.

Empowering our members

Whether helping a young person with their career, giving them tips in the kitchen or creating opportunities to get into sport, our ultimate aim is to help our members thrive.

We have around 20 young people per session and work with a youth worker ratio of 1:4.

We provide members with a welcoming, inclusive space in the community to have fun with friends.

We work with other organisations in our community to create more opportunities for young people.

Our young people drive the direction and focus of our organisation.

Our programmes

Our programmes and projects are person-centred, holistic, and shaped by the needs, interests, and aspirations of the young people. They change and evolve to reflect the current needs of our young members.

Girls Group 

We run a Girls Group one Thursday of every month from 6-8:30pm.  It’s a space where we can chat about all things womanhood. Girls and women can attend both regular youth club sessions and Girls Group, or they can choose to attend only Girls Group.

Contact us to find out more about joining

Early Bird Sessions

Our Early Bird Sessions take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 4:00-6:00pm. These are sign-up-only focussed activities, announced on a half-termly basis. Early Bird sessions can include anything from art therapy and printmaking workshops to self-defence lessons with a trained coach—all designed around the interests of our young people.

A group of 6 people sitting around a table filled with pieces of paper and pots of paint. Many of them are painting.


Have more questions? We’ve probably answered them here! In this section, you’ll find answers to common questions about our offer, services and additional support. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, you can always give us a call or drop us an email.

2 young people sitting at a table with paper and pencils. One is doing a peace sign and smiling and the other is holding his thumbs up and smiling.